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Poemas Grito de Mujer 2014 Toronto Canada

Poemas de Grito de Mujer 2014 Toronto, Canada. Coordinado por Amaluna del colectivo Friends of the PoeTree.


The woman who walks in these shoes
is a woman of corn and peace,
with the sweetness of sugar cane in her veins,
a woman with the dark- tone of the land

the woman who walks in these shoes
is a woman of love
a woman of courage
a woman whose aroma
is as sweet as
the coffee plantation in bloom

the woman who walks in these shoes
is a woman whose body carries
the geography of her land
the mountains
the streams
the curves of the
dangerous roads
and the secret caves

the woman who walks in these shoes
is a woman whose body rhythm swings
as the wind playing with the sugar field
in a Saturday afternoon

the woman who walks in these shoes
is a woman of CHOICE
a woman with VOICE
a woman who fights for the freedom
of her land

the woman who walks in these shoes
is the woman whose song I want to sing
is the woman whose hand I want to hold
and walk fearless to express the love
under the sun or under the stars

the woman who walks in these shoes
celebrates the seed of life within her
dancing  to the beat of African drums
at the hands of the mother land.

The woman who walks in these shoes
Is her, you, me and all of us, heroines
of our times!

Teresa Barrotti

Grito de mujer

No trates de que yo cambie
No trates de doblegarme
Ya no soy varita al viento
Soy el grito de un regimiento
Hoy, hoy me rebelo
Y denuncio tu maltrato
Soy mujer, si, mujer
Yo no soy tu trapo.
Denuncio esta situación pecaminosa
No fingiré mas como si todo
Fuera color rosa
No llorare como una dolorosa
Yo saldré airosa

¿Porque quieres matarme?
Por ser tú un infame
Mi sangre se derrama
¡Mírame! Soy tu amante esposa
Una elegante mariposa
Una Piedra preciosa
Soy mujer, soy Diosa
De mirada luminosa
Con ropa nueva o andrajosa
Siempre me veo vistosa

Así tenga cabellera negra o canosa
Soy una mujer valiosa
Tengo lengua premiosa
Y canto  notas cadenciosas
Soy una planta olorosa
Una fruta gustosa
Una criatura mimosa
Soy mujer, soy diosa
Cántame en versos y prosa
Y báñame  en agua de rosas.           

